As the global leader in fiber cabling, PUCKAC provides
the complete set of point-to-point solutions, support
current and future applications. PUCKAC OpticSUPEX
Optical Fiber System is specially designed for
telecommunication, data communication and building
network markets, provides OM1, OM2, OM3, OM4 and OS2
fibers and aims to the development direction of the
Internet of Things to provide G657 rubber-covered fiber
in smaller radius and more convenient construction
requirements for users’ pavement and providing support
FTTO & FTTD. Apart from this, PUCKAC also provides MTP
high-density cable solutions for the data center system
beyond MPO structure an in lower consumption, 40/100Gbps
transmission is reached and high-density modularized and
terminated cable welded tank is provided to fiber
distribution system in the data center.